Labelling and Sealing

Use of organic seal
- Anyone wishing to use the organic logo must be an ACT’s operator who has been inspected and certified according to the organic scope and standards that ACT services
- The operators must study the format and requirements for using seal of each organic standard. The operators can check the latest information of each organic standard at the web links provided. ACT will periodically notify operators of any amendments to these terms.
- The operators must sign a contract for the use of the organic seal with ACT and send samples of labels using the seal to ACT for consideration and approval first. Therefore, the seal will be used on the label of the certified product.

IFOAM Certification
ตราสำหรับมาตรฐาน IFOAM

For the operator who certified organic produce/product in IFOAM program

For the operator who certified commercial inputs for organic production in IFOAM program

European Union; EU

The European Union organic logo
The organic logo can only be used on products that have been certified as organic by an authorised control agency or body. This means that they have fulfilled strict conditions on how they must be produced, processed, transported and stored. The logo can only be used on products when they contain at least 95% organic ingredients and additionally, respect further strict conditions for the remaining 5%. The same ingredient cannot be present in organic and non-organic form.
Next to the EU organic logo, a code number of the control body must be displayed as well as the place where the agricultural raw materials composing the product have been farmed.

Canada Organic Regime; COR

Use of the organic logo on organic products
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency; CFIA regulates the use of the Canada organic logo. The use of the organic logo is only permitted on products that have an organic content that is greater than or equal to 95% and have been certified according to the requirements of the Canada Organic Regime. The use of the organic logo is voluntary but when used it is subject to the requirements of the Safe Food for Canadians Regulation; SFCR.
Imported products must meet the requirements of the Canada Organic Regime. Imported products that bear the logo must include: the statement "Product of", immediately preceding the name of the country of origin, or the word "Imported", in close proximity to the logo. These must appear on the label in both French and English, unless a bilingual labelling exemption applies.
The Canada organic logo is available to organic operators through Canadian Food Inspection Agency accredited certification bodies. Available online is the list of certification bodies that have either been accredited by the CFIA to certify organic products; or recognized under an organic equivalency arrangement with a foreign competent authority under the regulations.
All organic products covered by this arrangement and imported into the U.S. must comply with USDA organic labelling regulations. The United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) organic seal can be downloaded from the National Organic Program web page. Use of the organic seal is voluntary. Its use on the label or in the advertisement of an organic product, either alone or with the Canada organic logo, is permitted provided the organic content of the product is 95% or greater. The USDA's organic seal is trademarked. Its use is protected by federal regulation (7 CFR Part 205.311). The USDA organic seal cannot be used to imply endorsement of a commercial product or service (on a Canada Organic Regime organic product certificate, a non-USDA accredited Certification Body website etc.).