ACT has been approved as organic certification body from the following organization and countries:
1. IFOAM Accreditation Programme from IOAS since 2001 [latest certificate]
2. ISO/IEC 17065 Programme (Conformity Assessment - Requirements for Bodies Certifying Products, Processes and Services) from IOAS since 2005 [latest certificate]
3. Canadian Organic Regime (COR) from Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) since June 2009 [latest certificate]
4. approved as EU organic certification body since October 2011
5. approved as organic certification body by Swiss Government since July 2012
6. approved as organic certification body by Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, United Kingdom on 28th December 2022 [notification letter]
ACT is accredited by IOAS for the scope of product certification, with Registration number: 32. Please refer to for current information.